
Fill in the form below with your measurements in inches or centimeters.

P1 - Ankle P1 - Ankle
J - Hips J - Hips
K - Thigh width K - Thigh width
D - Shoulder D - Shoulder
C - Arm C - Arm
B - Forearm length B - Forearm length
L - Knee L - Knee
O - Calf O - Calf
Crotch to knee Crotch to knee
N - Inseam N - Inseam
I - Waist I - Waist
H2  - Upper Chest H2 - Upper Chest
Neck Neck
E - Biceps E - Biceps
F - Forearm width F - Forearm width
Torso front Torso front
Torso back Torso back
G - Wrist G - Wrist